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Meet Niklas Security and Development Hand in Hand

I get to delve deeply into the subject while thinking broadly about the development of the business. All within a framework of security.

Niklas Silfwerling

Team Manager Operations

For Niklas Silfwerling, one day might be spent getting into the specifics of message type formats, and the next day planning for a new product area in a completely different country. He enjoys the great variety.

“Here, I get the opportunity to both delve deeply into specific energy topics and also think broadly about development and strategy.”

He finds the same exciting mix even in the social environment.

“We have fantastic lunch discussions where new and old colleagues mix regardless of position. We solve the deepest world problems, go ‘all in’ on new and old technology, or just laugh and chat about an upcoming party. Here, you find genuinely good colleagues who help each other. And we have the best rock band in the energy industry!”

Read about more employees at VENI Metering

Always Help Available

As new on the job, there is a lot to get acquainted with. Luckily, I am surrounded by people who want to help.